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sábado, julio 27, 2024

Århus Business Academy Visit to Alcobendas 02.11.2022 welcoming 150 students of economics

What an enormous pleasure inviting and welcoming this numerous group of applied and interested young people (students of university level, our next generation…) yesterday morning/afternoon at the fantastic installations of Salón de Actos, Polideportivo Valdelasfuentes, Alcobendas,
Enjoying not only the company of students and professors staying in Madrid this week (as a part of their training) but honoured by the collaboration of experts within areas as Economics, Real Estate, Presentation of Danish Company in Spain, Entrepreneurship and Start-up experiences during the conference. Also getting to know by hands of the Counsil and Alcobendas Hub how this municipality is functioning and how local business organizations work together.
Experiences, visions and colaborations to improve for the future.
A huge THANK YOU to all!  Ayuntamiento Alcobendas/Alcobendas Hub for hosting us, all speakers for preparations and taking their time to be with us the whole conference day.
So delighted to highlight the past job experiencies of each of our speakers, resuming that all of them are entrepreneurs having delt with private companies, institutions, universities or organizations which surely has inspired the present students in their further career plans!
This was the program (and the schedule was kept…):
12:00 Welcome David Antelo Sanchez, director Alcobendas Hub https://alcobendashub.com/en/
    Introduction Marianne Koefoed, president Cámara Comercio Hispano Danesa
    Introduction Jan Norre Kristensen, Financial and Economic Department, Business Academy Århus
12:15 Economic lecture by Angel Rodríguez García-Brazales Professor in Fundamentals of         Economic Analysis, UAM https://www.uam.es/uam/en/inicio – Questions and comments
12:40 Spanish real-estate market and studies, Marta Ramos, Int. Tax Manager, Grant Thornton https://www.grantthornton.es/en/ – Questions and comments
13:05 Business development manager Spain & Portugal, Rafael Ramos, DANFOSS              https://www.danfoss.com/es-es/
13:20 Start-up inspiration, Founder and CEO, Louise Koefoed, UpperEat – 2º Woman Award Entrepeneur of the Year 2022 https://upper-eat.com/
13:35 Presentation AICA Felipe Diaz Martín : How local organizations work together            https://empresariosdealcobendas.com/
13:50 Point of view from student, Århus Business School
14:00 Councilor of Economic development, Roberto Fraile History and future
14.15 Royal Danish Embassy – “How to do business in Spain” – Questions and comments
15:00 Networking & Closure
15:30 End of visit
Lots of regards,
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